Thursday, November 6, 2014

Blog #3 Cyborg Film

Luke: G.I Joe
For my cyborg film blog I chose the movie G.I Joe: Rise of the Cobra.  The movie G.I Joe: Rise of the Cobra displayed two types of cyborgs, a G.I Joe army cyborg suit and the cobra venom. The movie first started out in 1641, in France, with a man, by the last name of McCallan being punished for selling his weaponry to both the Scottish and the French. The French then made him wear a mask for punishment because of his disobedience. In present day, the McCallan name still lives on and so does their weaponry. McCallan has a plan of selling his nanomites to the United States army and then capturing back the nanomites. These nanomites, which are also called warheads in the movie, is a venom that can destroy anything in its path. Without a kill button, the nanomites cannot be stopped. McCallan has an army of villains such as Rex who is a Cyborg. Rex was been infected with cobra venom and has a face mask to hide his identity and to help him breathe more efficiently. The Villain’s plan is to attack the world with warheads with protection of soldiers who have been infected with the cobra venom. Fighting to stop McCallan and his clan is the G. I Joe team. The G.I Joe team is partially cyborg during combat using robot like suits that enhance everything up to running, jumping, and fighting skills. These two types of cyborgs help to complement each other in moral and ethical values and its representation to society today.
                The G. I Joe suits were created by the army for the G.I Joe soldiers. The suits were made specifically for the G.I Joes in combat. Undergoing extensive training in the cyborg suits, the G.I Joes became even better at saving their country. The G.I Joes also have scientist working hard to help them get use to new equipment and guide them through their journey. The other cyborg Rex
Warhead Launcher
originated from a darker scenario from the G.I Joes. Rex was also a long time war friend with the main G.I Joe, Luke. Luke thought Rex was killed at war and didn’t recognize him because of the face mask he uses to hide his identity. Rex became a cyborg at war by finding the scientist who contained the venom. The scientist offered the venom and all the knowlege that came with it if they both survived the war, which they did. Rex now wears a metal mask around his face to protect his burn wounds and to help breathe. Later Rex does reveal his true identity to Rex and his sister, Anna, who is also working for McCallan.
                At first the public doesn’t see the G.I Joes as the good guys. After the G.I Joes altercation with McCallan and his clan at Paris, the public thinks that the G.I Joes are the ones who are causing the world to destruct. Even though it is very clear throughout the movie that the G.I Joes are the ones helping the society from the warheads and everything being diminished. Although there is a villain it isn’t known that society knows that Rex and McCallan are the villains. To the G.I Joes, Rex and the cobra venom, and warheads are seen as bad. If the people knew what the McCallan and Rex had in store, they would seem more unethical than the G.I Joes.
                However, the G.I Joe army suits are made to help society they cause some dilemmas. In the fight against the villains in Paris, the G.I Joes caused destruction such as wrecks in the middle of the street and jumping through a train window. If I was a civilian in a train and a big robot was flying through I would be a little scared and confused too. The G.I Joes don’t display to the population that they are the guys trying to help them; they always tell the police who they are when they are arrested. With the power of the G.I Joe suits it could be easy to get carried away with running and jumping everywhere in the street. The villains obviously have some moral dilemmas to their powers as well. The object of the villains’ plan is to destroy the world with the nanomites and infect the strongest human soldiers with their cobra venom so they can come out on top of the world. All of the Villain’s motives are because somebody along the line mistreated them. The reasoning and methods of the Villain’s plan is unethical all together because it is hurting the human race.

Rex: Villain before and after explosion
                The cyborgs presented in the move G.I Joe: Rise of the Cobra is related to today’s society as well. G.I Joes used suits in combat to protect them and enhance their skills, soldiers today use similar items. For instance most soldiers are required to wear a helmet and chest protection. This helps to increase their risk of surviving and winning the battle. This also relates to the weaponry and machines that soldier’s use in combat. Weaponry as technically advanced over the years giving us an advantage. Video games are now helped in training with soldiers to give them a feel of what being at combat is like and help them learn aim and alertness. The G.I Joes becoming involved with saving the country and being invincible is related to the United States involved with the war. The United States gets involved with international conflicts because they United States is said to be the most powerful and invincible. The United States’ actions other countries relates to the G.I Joes getting involved with the army to assist in taking care of the warheads. Rex the Villain and his venom also relate to society today as well. Rex created the venom to enhance soldiers and also has a face mask to help improve himself. This relates to the artificial limbs and breathing devices we use today to help us live longer and healthy life style. The medical field has advanced to creating artificial organs such as kidneys and creating peacemakers to help your heart work more efficiently. Many of the cyborg aspects help us not only in war but in medical ways as well.

                Cyborgs presented in movies help to relate to the world today and help show us the problems we could potentially have with these advancements and how they could help us. G.I Joe represents how the cyborgs helped to save the war against the villains to save their country but, they also showed the destruction that can be made by the cyborgs. Rex and McCallan also show how some advancements in the human body could be helpful but, only if you have the right reasoning to practice some of those advancements.

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