Thursday, November 6, 2014

Cyborg Film Analysis - I, Robot

I, Robot Analysis

     This movie takes place in 2035 were robots across the United States are now in every day society. These robots act like servants and assisted humans in every day daily tasks. The robots obey three laws which are to never harm a human or let a human come to harm, to always obey humans unless it violates the first law, and to protect its own existence unless it violates first and second laws. Del Spooner played by Will Smith is a police detective who investigates the suicide of one of the USRs founders death. In one of the scenes the new model of robots, the NS-5, attack Spooner and he tries to tell everyone that the new models are bad and evil. He finds the only good new model, Sonny, who has all human qualities possible. The rest of the movie his goal is to kill the center of the system (V.I.K.I) in order to shut down the new robots and reprogram them to be good.

     In this movie there are many cyborgs. Del Spooner for one is a cyborg. His whole left arm is a prosthetic. The movie states that a cyborg saves Spooner instead of a little girl and replaces his left arm and part of his chest because he had a better chance of surviving. From then on he hates robots because they have no emotions and can't feel things. Sonny is one of the new NS-5 models that actually has feeling and emotions. These newer models were created because they're suppose to be the next upgrade to help assist people better. The doctor that was died was trying to create robots to be more like humans. He wanted them to have feeling and emotion like Sonny. Sonny is the way he is because Dr. Calvin has been working on him for awhile.

     If we allow robots in our lives, how far are we wiling to let them make decisions? In the scene where the robot has to save Del or the little girl, Del believes it is morally correct to save the child first. In society today, the morals are that women and children come first. But if you asked the robot why he did it he couldn't give an answer with emotion. He can not make choices based on emotion. The robots make choices because of what their program tells them to do, not because of their moral values. I think having robots goes against everything it means to be human. But I think Having robots do our every day work takes away gender roles and will start to eliminate the discrimination against sexes. You can go either way with the pros and cons of having robots in our every day lives.

     I believe we are definitely letting more and more robotic things take over our lives like the robots in the movie. We are really opening up to the idea of robots being apart of our every day lives. Technology and robotics is really what our society is based on anymore. I think this movie is the next step in our world of technology and robotics. 

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