Thursday, October 16, 2014

Digital Nation - Online Interactions / Online Dating

The documentary Digital Nation presented by PBS, touched on online interaction and online dating briefly. This interaction happens through virtual games in which people from anywhere can create avatars. With these avatars a person can ultimately establish a "second life". With a second life the avatars in any virtual society can do any and everything a real life human being can. The documentary suggested that online interactions can cause people to be more sociable, specifically sociable with in the game. Because it is easier to disguise yourself and be whomever you want in the game , approaching someone in it is much easier. Most of the people in the documentary express that they feel closer to their online friends than they do with their real life friends. Many online gamers express the close relationship as well, because of this it is very common for some one to meet their significant other through the game.
A person can date someone in a virtual society and began dating them in real life. Besides a virtual society being on websites such as instagram , Facebook and Twitter online dating can occur as well. People are able to read someone's biography , giving someone information regarding to age , name , location and interest. Most importantly you are able to see what someone actually looks like. The exchange of phone numbers are very common as well on these websites. It is very easy to talk to someone you do not know through a character or online period because it is not personal and it is easier
Digital Nation also introduced something called the " love machine". The love machines enables people to communicate by sending each other encouraging messages. Some employers that are heavily involved with virtual societies rather have meeting with in a game than in real life. Holding meeting in intimate setting in the game by a fire place while talking through a headset. This documentary introduced how easily it is to interact with each other through avatars that either resemble the real person or does not. Those who have a hard time finding love out in the real world or prefer someone who have their same interest can meet someone in the virtual world. Virtual dating is similar to social network dating , the only difference is that social network dating are actual pictures of real people. In conclusion the entire video demonstrates how people depend on technology for doing things that they could do for themselves in real life.

1 comment:

  1. I find it so interesting that people actually use such things as the "love machine". Personally I could never see my self online dating or anything like that.
