To me the fact that computers were so large and slow seems almost unreal to me. Even when I was younger they didn't seem to be so big. I suppose this how technology that we use will be evolving in the coming years.
Now when I interviewed my 43 year old dad he told me that when he was 18 and growing up in the 90's that all the people around him and himself wanted a 2-way pager. Back then my father told me that having these totally changed up everyday life for people. Before this everyone used pagers that just told them to call a certain number but with these you could send a message to anyone on the name network. Or even go past a certain amount of characters. This limitations that these "pagers" has surprised me because I never really saw that in my lifetime. Phones now don't have any of those type of limits. We can connect with anyone anywhere no matter what. And the fact that Wi-Fi has came more obtainable helps spread our reach. My dad never said even though people were going crazy for this tech it did not stop physical interaction or hinder people from talking to each other. I can't say that I wasn't surprised to hear that because previous generations grew up in a era where people still associate with each other. It is sad to say but nowadays no one really talks to each other through any other means except text or e-mails. And do not get me wrong i understand that for business and quick communicating that is most definitely the easiest and most efficient way to do things. However, I feel that not only my generation and even younger ones need to get back to face to face interaction and actually communicating with those around them. I believe that people will become too attached and could end up like the characters in "feed" and develop into slaves to a smartphone or computer.
Now I realize that 18 I have not been on this planet for too long and see a lot but I do feel that I have seen a good amount of interaction. For me growing up I always wanted a sidekick or an iPhone. Sadly for me I could not afford wither of these two phones. But some of the people around me had it and it was crazy to see how people acted like crack-addicts to get one or even hold it. Yes, even I fell for this new craze but looking back at it did seem wild to lose ourselves to a piece of machinery. And even today I am falling back into those ways when new Apple products or software comes out. At times I have found constantly checking on if new devices come out and start to consume all of my time researching it. This blog topic has even made me think about how I life my life and that I am
constantly connected or plugged in by always checking or just being on my
phone. I have never really had a problem communicating or even just talking to new people or those around me. But I have started to realize that I need to become less synced into my phone and other technology I use. I think that we as whole turn to our tech so that we do not have to real with people as much as we used too. And not to say that this is a bad thing nevertheless we need to keep up with real communication. Real face to face is good for people it helps with brain storming and problem solving. Like the old saying goes "2 brains is always better than one". And I could not agree more, working with other people is always good way to learn and better each other. Not to even say that without this we can not further as a human race. We can not turn into slaves to this technology no matter how advance it becomes or how much it simplifies everyday life.