Friday, September 19, 2014

Generations, Technology & Me

In the 21st Century technology has become the focal point of everyday life and has even simplified our lifestyles. Yet, even 20 years ago life was not exactly like this. There wasn't things like smart-phones, self driving buses and everything wasn't automated. I find that in my generation and even the older ones that we are becoming more into using and discovering new types of technology. This seems almost new and somewhat surprising because most young people think that the oppression of forwarding tech would be hindered by older generations. However, most are extremely open to learning how to interact with it and discover a whole new world. I think that this could lead to all of us expanding our own knowledge and break a completely new barrier in interaction, everyday life and almost every other field of living and working. The evolution of machinery and technology is completely undeniable. For example I interviewed my grandmother who was teenager in the 1970's and from listing to her stories a piece of technology that was extremely popular and sought after was a computer. Although she never got to have one for herself at the time due to the wildly high prices of them. She told me that computers had seemed like unfathomable device that kept getting smaller and smaller. Back when they first came out the computer would take up entire room but now they fit right into your pocket and are 1000 times faster and stronger.                                                                                                                                                      

To me the fact that computers were so large and slow seems almost unreal to me. Even when I was younger they didn't seem to be so big. I suppose this how technology that we use will be evolving in the coming years. 
Now when I interviewed my 43 year old dad he told me that when he was 18 and growing up in the 90's that all the people around him and himself wanted a 2-way pager. Back then my father told me that having these totally changed up everyday life for people. Before this everyone used pagers that just told them to call a certain number but with these you could send a message to anyone on the name network. Or even go past a certain amount of characters. This limitations that these "pagers" has surprised me because I never really saw that in my lifetime. Phones now don't have any of those type of limits. We can connect with anyone anywhere no matter what. And the fact that Wi-Fi has came more obtainable helps spread our reach. My dad never said even though people were going crazy for this tech it did not stop physical interaction or hinder people from talking to each other. I can't say that I wasn't surprised to hear that because previous generations grew up in a era where people still associate with each other. It is sad to say but nowadays no one really talks to each other through any other means except text or e-mails. And do not get me wrong i understand that for business and quick communicating that is most definitely the easiest and most efficient way to do things. However, I feel that not only my generation and even younger ones need to get back to face to face interaction and actually communicating with those around them. I believe that people will become too attached and could end up like the characters in "feed" and develop into slaves to a smartphone or computer.
Now I realize that 18 I have not been on this planet for too long and see a lot but I do feel that I have seen a good amount of interaction. For me growing up I always wanted a sidekick or an iPhone. Sadly for me I could not afford wither of these two phones. But some of the people around me had it and it was crazy to see how people acted like crack-addicts to get one or even hold it. Yes, even I fell for this new craze but looking back at it did seem wild to lose ourselves to a piece of machinery. And even today I am falling back into those ways when new Apple products or software comes out. At times I have found constantly checking on if new devices come out and start to consume all of my time researching it. This  blog topic has even made me think about how I life my life and that I am constantly connected or plugged in by always checking or just being on my phone. I have never really had a problem communicating or even just talking to new people or those around me. But I have started to realize that I need to become less synced into my phone and other technology I use. I think that we as whole turn to our tech so that we do not have to real with people as much as we used too. And not to say that this is a bad thing nevertheless we need to keep up with real communication. Real face to face is good for people it helps with brain storming and problem solving. Like the old saying goes "2 brains is always better than one". And I could not agree more, working with other people is always good way to learn and better each other. Not to even say that without this we can not further as a human race. We can not turn into slaves to this technology no matter how advance it becomes or how much it simplifies everyday life.

Generations, Technology, & Me

 Technology has grown and changed so rapidly in the last century. From the birth of air travel to the evolution of the cell phone, technological advancement affects everyone in different degrees. Some people accept new technology, while some find it to be unnecessary and frightening. The way that people react to this can be looked at from a generational perspective, as well as individually. To some, technology is involved in everything they do. In the modern workplace, most things are done electronically. Business meetings have been replaced with video chats and emails, presentations are given using Powerpoint slide shows, and mostly all financial transactions are made electronically. We are able to learn more than we ever could have before, at a much easier and faster rate. As time goes on, technology will change, and so will the opinions surrounding it. 
                New discoveries are made every day, and some are more significant than others. In recent years, the cell phone has been upgraded, changed and modernized in amazing ways. The cell phone is the most prominent invention of the past twenty years. The twentieth century brought a multitude of technological advancements, a lot of which are still used today. Upon asking my mother what the most notable invention of her time was, I was told it was the advancement of the personal computer. She described the amazement she experienced when they were first introduced to her. This notable invention was one that she welcomed; it gave a new level of ease to doing research, and a less stressful experience in word processing that a typewriter could not give. The same feeling of amazement was shared by my grandmother and my neighbor, who both gave the same answer of the television. Like the personal computer and the cell phone, the modern television has gone through a lot of changes. My grandmother felt as though the invention of the TV is one of the most brilliant developments the world has ever seen. The standard for notable advancements shifts between generations, and something that is significant to someone older may not faze someone of a younger generation. 

                Every year, Apple holds a conference in California to explain and reveal their latest developments in PC and mobile technology. This event is witnessed by many, and acknowledged by all. People will set up camp outside of a store, sleep there overnight and wait endlessly for the store to open if it means that they are the first in line to get the shiniest new model of a cell phone they already own. In a world where everything is fast-paced, it can be easy to get caught up in technology and shut out everything else. Could this be dangerous? Are we as a society becoming too negatively dependent on our own technology? Some, like my mother and grandmother, don’t think so. However, there are those who think that we need to be more cautious with the use of our personal technology. When inquired about the negative impact that technology might have, my neighbor shared his opinion.
“It isn’t the electronics that are bad, I think it just depends on how you use it. Computers are really useful and great, and you can find literally anything you want on the internet. Technology in schools and places of work is a fine thing. Using it to learn new things, talk with people that are far away, find information and even playing some video games is all positive. But once you start to depend on it as a main source of your life, then it turns negative. When you put your entire life on your iPhone, you’re in trouble, because when you’re looking down at your phone all the time, you’re missing out on everything that your little piece of plastic can’t give you. Technology is wonderful and is definitely something that should be utilized, and any potential negative impact will only come from personal overuse, not the devices themselves.” 

                Use of electronic devices and technologies varies from person to person. Older generations are significantly less involved with progressing technologies than younger ones. Young people tend to be more open to try new things, and have the ability to adapt to different situations with ease. Generally, using technology of any kind requires some skill and background knowledge. When someone has been around and used technology for a substantial amount of time, it becomes easier for them to learn about new advancements and can adapt to any differences at a quicker rate than someone who has not.  When asked about the frequency of her technology usage, my grandmother expressed the amount of difficulty she encounters when attempting to use a laptop or cell phone. “When I was growing up, I would have never even dreamed about having any of the electronic stuff that everyone has now. I only use the laptop when I need to email a friend, or look at international news. I have a flip phone for calling people. I only have one or two friends that are familiar with everything. People that are older like me don’t bother with new electronics. It is all far too complicated and hard to learn for me. New technology doesn’t play a big part in my life, but I would use it if I knew how it all worked.” 
Similarly, my slightly younger neighbor said that he only uses his computer for work related tasks, and while he makes calls on his cell and has the ability to use text messaging, he doesn’t care for the other features. On the other side of things, my tech-savvy mother reported that she uses her Macbook, iPhone, and iPad as frequently as any teenager would. Involved in social networking and managing a business online, she developed skills necessary to understanding and working with advanced technology. This shows that people of any age can learn how to utilize all available resources connected to computers and other machines.

               Technology is constantly changing, and we are uncovering new information at a rate we once would’ve never thought possible. An extensive amount of our daily activities are connected with or powered by technologies old and new. While some are more accepting of it than others, we are all affected by it in some way. Commonly used modern devices like cell phones would’ve seemed strange and scarcely seen in times as recent as 25 years ago. With advancements being made every day, we are seeing a steady shift of technology and human life becoming synonymous. The future of technology is in our hands, and through science, the possibilities are endless. 

Generations, Technology, & Me

In our world today technology plays a huge role in our everyday lives. From where we go to work or school, where we live, and literally just about everywhere we are. A few ways that we encounter technology is by the use of our smartphones, laptops and tablets, and when we listen to music. Other ways that we might use technology is in the bathrooms if there are automatic sinks, soap and paper towel dispensers. You may not think about little things like that, but you do use a lot of technology in your every day life. I have realized how dependent we are of technology and that is not a good thing because we do not know how to live if there was no technology available for us. Whenever we have something malfunctioning, we breakdown. It is sad that we can not live without our phones or computers, because just about everything is on there.
       Personally, I really enjoy using technology and figuring out technology. All my life I have been using technology, whether is was a cell phone, computer, game system or whatever, technology has always been in my life. As I grow, technology also enhances. There is always something better coming out and we are always quick to get the latest thing.    
  I decided to get my moms opinion on technology and how she feels about everything, "One thing that scares me about technology is social media. Things like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. These things scare me because once something goes up they will always be available to other people even once you THINK that are deleted. Once something is online it stays online. One thing that you have to worry about are stalkers. Lets say you put up a picture on Instagram of your house or your car, there are people out there that are able to somehow figure out your exact location and either break into your home or try and steal your car. You have no idea what certain people are capable of doing these days with the internet, and it's scary to think that someone could be watching your every move. In my life right now technology plays in important role. At my job I deal with technology and even at my home I deal with a certain amount of technology as well. In my household almost everyone has a lap top, tablet, smartphone or even a smart TV in their rooms."
     I went on an interviewed my Grammy and got her opinion on technology. I do not like technology at all. I am by far the least techno person out there. I honestly think that we do not need any technology. I grew up in a time without having all this technology that there is today. Times were better without technology. People used to have real conversations with one another, there was nothing called a "catfish", and some people are not as educated in other things because they just use the internet to do the thinking for them. As the technology grows, people lose their intelligence because they let the computers do all of the work for them. I do not think that children these days understand the real value of life because all the know is technology and not how to interact with others without it being through a phone or computer.

     Once I interviewed the generations older than me, I decided to interview someone who was younger then me so I asked my little sister about technology and her life. She is 4 years old and has been growing up in a world full of technology. It has impacted her life drastically. She has a bear that helps her learn things through real life and through the computer.  I asked her two questions. One was does she think that we can live without technology, and what technology improvements is she still waiting for the future to bring.  Her answer to them shows how technology plays a huge role in our lives today.To answer the first questions she said that there is nothing that we cannot live without, we need all of the technology that we have today because without it we would not be able to live. When she said that I asked what she meant and she exclaimed that we would not be able to talk to anyone, we would not be able to learn, we wouldn't be able to drive and we would never know when to cross the street. She is correct by that too because the things that she said we would not be able to do are all controlled by technology to a certain point. Then we moved onto the second question, which was what improvements is she still waiting for in technology. Her response was she was waiting for flying cars and a house that will stay clean on its own. 
     After the interviews were all finished, I had a lot of thoughts racing in my mind. I was thinking about both the past and the future. I was more so afraid for what the future had to bring because soon everything might really be controlled by a robot and there will be no real need for humans. Sometimes I wish that I was alive during the times when everyone was not so obsessed with electronics as they are now because I like meeting new people and having conversations with them. There are some good and bad things to technology and everyone has their own opinion on it as well. The older generations do not always agree with technology and are not always as tech savvy as someone from a younger/newer generation would be. Technology has been growing fast in the last few years and I know that it will only continue to grow more as the years go by.

Generations, Technology, & Me

Technology has taken over todays society. Everywhere we look we see technology. I believe there are very minimal places in the United States where you could go five minutes without seeing technology. Sometimes we don't realize the impact technology has on our lives however, there are very limited things we do that doesn't include technology. Even paper books are beginning to disappear due to the fact that any book we need is available on the internet a or on our phones, computers, tablets, etc. To figure out the exact way that technology effects me i have conducted an experiment cataloging my interactions with technology everyday.

Throughout my study I realized that there is very limited time when i am not using technology and the majority of that time is while i sleep however, I sometimes use technology while I sleep.  In addition i also realized that i actually do not use technology on the way to class and that may be the only time i refrain from my use. Although sometimes i do use my phone to text while i walk. My College career revolves around technology. Everything i do for college is technology oriented. It's very ironic to me about how i am writing this blog about my technological use while at the same time i sit at my laptop simply using technology without it crossing my mind. I find the older generations use of technology seems to be very interesting to me, so i interviewed three people and asked them about their personal experiences.

The first person i interviewed was my friends 9 year old little sister, Sarah. She grew up with everything technology. Sarah explained to me how everything she does involves technology. This made me realize that every time i go to their house i see either an iPad or a gaming system in her hand. She also told me that she embraces technology and loves it. For a nine year old Sarah seems very advanced for her age and she gives most of the credit to technology. If she doesn't know something she will simply look it up. Even I didn't have that possibility when i was 9. I grew up in the humongous boom of cell phone and texting use which really seemed to come alive when i was about 12. Sarah has had this privilege since she was born. However, the difference between Sarah and I's generation isn't nearly as great as the void that separates my mothers and my generation

My next interviewee was my mother. Born in the 1960s she didn't have any of the technological use that me or Sarah had. The first thing she told me was that when she went to school she didn't even ride a bus to school. The majority of her and her classmates walked to school everyday. In addition, she told me that cars had a huge impact on her life. As the oldest of four kids she was the one always in charge of driving her siblings most places. Even though my mother didn't grow up with a plethora of technology she adjusted to the new types very easily. She uses an iPhone and iPad like she's had them all her life which impresses my greatly even though she sometimes asks me for some help if she doesn't know some things. Sometimes to me it is weird to think about how different the generations just from me to my mother is. The use of technology truly does change drastically and without warning. The new things just seem to burst onto the scene without anyone realizing and it seems to effect the world greatly. Even though i thought the difference between me and mothers generations was amazing i was completely astounded by the difference between my mother and her mother.

 The third person i interviewed was my grandmother. Technology was practically non-existent compared to the mass amounts of technology used in todays world. The biggest impact on her life she told me was her radio. She told me about the times when she would tune in to listen to radio shows and the baseball games with her father. Although she loved the radio in her early childhood she said that nothing compared to getting her first color TV in the 1960s. She said the whole family would crowd around and watch it together. As surprising as it is to me my Grandmother and Grandfather really embrace technology and love it. At times i think that my grandfather can use an iPad better than most people or even i can. This fact impresses me greatly. Mostly everything they do revolves around technology today. One of their favorite things to do is to take pictures and put them on their iPad to show all the relatives. The old way used to be just taking a picture and adding it to the family photo album. Don't get me wrong there are still tons of photo albums at my grandparents house just like any other grandparents, however they are now leaning more towards doing it all on technology due to the simplicity and easiness of it.

My study has opened my eyes greatly to todays world of technology. I never realized how drastically the generations have changed. From a nine year old that has had technology at her finger tips since she was born to a grandmother that has adjusted impressively to todays use of technology. As you can see technology truly is everywhere in todays world and even into the past. Everything we do involves it and there is no way around it. Sometimes i do wonder, what is next? What could the next amazing thing be to come out and completely change everything. I encourage many people to conduct an experiment such as this one, it truly does open eyes and makes you realize the crazy things technology does for us. Thank you for reading my blog and stay tuned for my next post i will have.

Generations, Technology, & Me

Generations, Technology, & Me

                The rapid advancement of technology has made an impact on nearly every person in our society in a positive way or negative way. Not long ago our homes had what we used to call “the phone” but now everyone has their own phone or an “iPhone”. Even how I am typing this essay is different from what my mom would have to do in college. Most of the people around her age had to use a typewriter which didn’t include a backspace key or a spell-check. This could create a society that is more accepting of mistakes as they are easy to fix now and they do not cause much discomfort while writing.

                Upon interviewing my mother she had similar thoughts saying that technology over the course of her life has made her life “more convenient and entertaining.” She went on to explain that growing up the biggest impact from technology came from the cordless remote and the Atari. The cordless remote is something we have always had access to but growing up during the release of this invention must’ve been life changing. Even today we can see pieces of technology become wireless and we can notice the ease in our life because of it. My mother also grew up in a time before the internet and things involved with the internet like e-mail. Now her job requires her to use a computer and she was somewhat forced to embrace this skill. Her job involves contacting beer companies all over the world so she is very skilled with e-mail and mass communication. She also handles the ordering of beer so she is very skilled with the company’s computer system. Microsoft Word’s Excel program is also a program that she was forced to learn and is now a part of her everyday life. It goes to show that even with the technology now we could in the future be forced to learn something that wasn’t even close to being possible with our technology today. Technology is always advancing and we are never sure where it might be applicable to our future.

                Technology now plays a pretty big role in my mother’s life. She now has a smart phone which she uses as an alarm to wake up for work, she uses Facebook which has reconnected her with long lost relatives. Technology is a big part of her work and her recreational time. Growing up without it, now she can’t seem to escape it.

                I was actually pretty surprised at my mother’s answer when I asked her what piece of technology surprised her or scared her the most. She said the satellite. It was this point that I realized her answer was surprising but it was an answer that made me realize how important satellites are. She went on to say how it’s pretty cool that they can take magnified pictures from space, pinpoint locations, and broadcast live events all over the world. The satellite’s ability to do this may seem incredible yet unnecessary but if you really think about it we would be lost without satellites. The ability to broadcast events allows news and information to be transported and distributed faster than ever before. Most of the news prior to technology that can communicate two individuals across far distances took weeks, months, or years depending on mode of transportation and distance. Our world moves much faster now and that may seem scary to some but it is a more efficient way of attaining information across vast distances. Pinpointing locations precisely is a very useful tool to our society for finding missing persons or predicting weather.

                My grandmother who was the second person I interviewed had similar things to say about how technology has appeared in her life. She hasn’t had to learn as much for work or anything but being older and witnessing more of a change, technology has made an impact on her as much as it did my mother, perhaps more. When she was my age, technology obviously didn’t have as much of dependency that it seems to hold today. She remembers the color TV coming out being the most exciting piece of technology to her. She said “everyone was anxious and excited to see something in color on the TV.” This seems somewhat silly to me because I grew up in the age where we were excited to go from huge TVs to ones that were very thin and had nice looking screens.
 We never had the opportunity to watch black and white television and to notice the change from black and white to color must’ve been life changing. My grandmother is an older lady and lives her life rather “old- school” so she is not that involved with technology and is not interested in learning anytime soon. She does have a cell-phone but it is a very older model and she uses it to call only. She also uses the TV regularly due to being retired. Most of the time she is just ordering things from HSN. She has committed herself to not using newer technology although she has stated recently that she wants to get internet service at her house and a small laptop. After asking her why I should’ve known the answer prior as she said, “So I can order from the HSN website. “ As previously mentioned, technology has not impacted her in ways that it has my mother but it has greatly affected her life and she has to make changes in order to do the same things she used to not long ago.

                The third and final person I interviewed had almost identical answers as my mother for the simple reason that their age is similar. She is the mother of my best friend and she was greatly impacted by the Atari and eventually the first cell phone. She said as a kid they only had “physical activity type games to play.” They would play outside and do things that kid’s today would consider exercise but back then it was just called fun. When the Atari came out it was a brand new experience for kids because it was a “game” but it was on a screen and they could play it inside. Technology would change their childhood forever. Maybe not as much as Vis Stone’s but they were greatly affected by this invention.
She also talked about how amazed she was when the first cell phone was released. She grew up having a cord phone in her house and now they had a phone that was able to call from outside the house and they could put it in their pocket. Technology has also forced its way in her life due to her job requirements. As an elementary teacher she has to be comfortable with making worksheets, using Excel for grades, and she has to be comfortable using e-mail.

                Both my mother and my best friend’s mother said that they could do without social media. They both have used it to reconnect with lost loved ones and relatives but they feel that people are misusing it and that is one piece of technology that we could do without.

                My grandmother had no opinion on technology that she is waiting for or things we could do without. I suppose she is only interested in technology that exists already and that is beneficial to her rather than anticipating future technology.

                Technology has an impact in everyone’s lives whether they embrace it, reject it, or are forced to become comfortable with it. Technology has moved in ways people could have never predicted and has taken a spot in lives of people who never would have thought it was possible.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Generations Technology & me

                             Generations Technology & Me

                     As I assessed myself over the pass week I realized how nearly impossible it is to go without using technology.
 Technology is everywhere , whether we realize it or not it is one of the most major things that we depend on. Over the week I analyzed my usage of technology. I noticed that I rarely put down my cell phone. My cellphone holds my schedule for classes, dates and times it even reminds me of birthdays. To be technical it is my life. Being a student at Bloomsburg University technology is a prominent thing. We have automatic flushers for the toilet. The faucets and paper towel dispensers are also automatic , the doors even open for us with the press of a button. Being a student here you have to check you email daily for important notices . The heads of organizations and even financial aid faculty notifies you through email. To get in and out of any facility on campus your identification card is needed. It is synced into a scanner which allows you to have access to your dorm room, food services and any other identification process needed. If I may say so in my opinion, having a cell phone, laptop and I.D card is at high importance in my community. I ultimately resisted the use of an iPhone because it became a wild craze "Got to have it" piece of technology. I am content with having a android and not having voice activated programs.
         I constructed two different interview sessions with my mother and my grandmother. Their views of what technology was during their times  were drastically different form my own. My mother Sherry Robinson whom is 39 years of age, was born in 1975. She expressed how amazing "Beepers" were back then. Though they were very expensive at first they meant everything . She explained that they were even fashionable. She did not hesitate the use of one at all. Any one that had  a beeper had to have money. When the prices decrease to about 40$ everyone had it, it became an easier way to communicate. Instead of texting ,you sent codes which meant actual words.  For Example : to tell someone hello the number 4 was viewed as a "H" , 3 is "E" 77 are  "L's" and of course a 0 was an "O". Using numbers for a coding system to communicate to one another .
Then there was Cellphone that were bigger then life itself . Those things were huge . Portable phones were so convenient and inconvenient at the same time my mother explained. it was useful because they were able to call others without staying in and waiting for a call . But it was also inconvenient because it was heavy and way to large to even carry around.
       My grandmother technology in my opinion was not really technology. In stead of washer and dryers she used a scrub board and hung the clothes on a line to dry. I was enlightened to know for a fact how easier it is today. I only could imaging how dingy their clothes had to be. Washing your clothes in a tin bucket with a pan that had crinkles in it is a wild thought to behold. Everything was basically done by hand. Hanging clothes on the cloth line is not that out of date to my family because at times we still continue to do that.
Our technology today is far more advance then any other previous inventions. We can communicate with each other with cell phone that enables us to call someone from another country , we can email and text. Also some cellphones have video chat or "Face Time" where you can actually see each other without having to be on a laptop to do so. Now we have washers and dryers we even have steamers so that ironing clothes are not necessary. Everything that was done by hand can now be done without one at all.

Generations, Technology, & Me

     Over the past week I have been thinking about all the different technologies I come into contact with every single day. Some of the very prominent ones are in work and school. I'm a shift leader at a Dunkin' Donuts, and recently we have changed our menu boards inside from the standard plastic and cardboard to four flat screen monitors. One of the screens specifically shows all the new products by overdramatically placing piece of sausage on an english muffin and following that up with a nice
Iced Coffee and Iced Latte
refreshing hazelnut or french vanilla swirl iced coffee with all the condensation just running down the side, in an effort to sell more of certain products. Also the terminals we have for typing in orders are all touch screen and have all the prices stored with tax automatically added on. It is no longer necessary to try and perform math on your own, use a calculator, or write down the orders. We have a drive-thru where as soon as a car pulls up a sensor sets off a noise in our wireless headsets to alert us of the cars presence, while at the same time starting a timer to keep track of how long it takes for each cars order to be served. In the dorms at school we have multiple showers and sinks all with hot or cold water in a matter of seconds. When returning back to the dorm there is a scanner that reads a little micro-chip in our student ID's that grants us access to the lobby and then a set of two scanners to either use the elevators or enter the first floor hallway. In the classroom we can use a blog as a group discussion where every student is able to express their thoughts at the same time, rather than having to wait your turn to speak. With BOLT, professors can issue homework assignments, quizzes, and tests online for students to complete and submit, without ever having to print out a single page.
     Having been born in 1993, I started out in the very beginning of this new age of technology. Having sat down to just ponder how many different technologies I rely on every single day, my mind is pretty well blown. So many things I just take for granted and never stop to appreciate or think about why I'm able to perform certain tasks with barely any time involved. Even now as I type there are so many technologies helping me to accomplish this task. I have artificial lighting so that I can continue to work at night without some kind of fire, there is an air conditioning unit regulating the temperature in the room to keep it a chill sixty-eight degrees, I had a refrigerator to make my iced tea cold for drinking it, and I'm playing music on my computer while also typing on a webpage which both use the WIFI. There are others that I could list but that's not the point. The fact that I was able to list those with minimal thought shows how dependent my generation is on all of the technologies that have been available to us our entire life. Yes the use of electricity for light bulbs has been around for many years now, but certainly not the WIFI.
1950's Washer
     When growing up I really enjoyed going outside to play but when the weather didn't allow me to I would just sit inside and either watch a VHS movie or play a video game. As I became older I would want to stay inside more and more playing PlayStation not really caring what kind of adventures my friends were going on with their bikes. The older I got, the less thinking or research in books I would have to do for school assignments. For me I have seen, for me, huge technological jumps, but are not nearly as amazing to me as they are for say my grandmother and father. When my gram was a child they only had black and white TV's with three stations of viewing. All the telephones were wired land lines so you were limited to the area of which you could be when talking on the phone. She also had washer unit for clothes that required her and her family to change out the water themselves and only dried clothing by hanging them on a clothesline or inside if it was too cold or rainy outside. My father had colored television and remembers having the Atari system to play with on the TV. While this was a new and exciting toy, he and his friends still enjoyed being outside far more.
     The biggest technological advance that I can think of is the smart phone and basically having a computer at your fingertips constantly. For my gram it was colored television and 8tracks, while for my father it was the Atari and the emergence of video games. When asked if either of them started to rely on the new technologies as they became available, both of them said no and that they just waited for the older version to break or stop working before buying the newest version. This is vastly different from myself where growing up I constantly coveted the newest video game system or cell phone and would buy them if I was able to. Both of them feel as though all the technologies they have witnessed have benefited their lives, but they also felt some people rely on the new technologies far too much. The technology with the biggest impact on my life is steel roller coasters and the engineering involved in them, as they allow you to be inverted and experience a far higher G-load
Steel Roller Coaster
than wooden coasters. I would ride a coaster every single day if I could just to experience that adrenaline rush. For my gram the technology with the biggest impact on her is the cell phone and my father the smart phone. Both of them love having the convenience of calling people from almost anywhere they want to and sending text messages. The smart phone capabilities allow my dad to work on the go and look up necessary information for his customers that are purchasing lumber. What is a technology that you find harmful? My answer to that question is virus' in computers that can pull personal information. My father's answer is satellites that can take pictures on command feeling as though that's an invasion of privacy. My gram thinks that some of the television shows and social media sites have hindered the growth of people that want to think for themselves and function in what she sees as a normal way. In the future my gram and I would both like to see advances in the technologies of health science so that they are able to treat cancer in a completely and less harmful way. My father would like to see technologies created for cleaner power sources and the engineering of equipment to replace machines that rely on petroleum, before it runs out.
Digital Brain
     There are so many different kinds of technologies that have impacted this world and they just seem to be growing at a phenomenal rate. I'm very glad that I am able to witness all of these advances in technology. I do however hope that certain advances don't eventually lead to people not doing anything for themselves and relying on computers and other devices to do the thinking for them. Right now it seems life society is teetering on the edge of that future. We have managed to survive on this earth for a large number of years without certain technologies. Although they can be very helpful to us, I just hope that we, as a world population, don't come crashing down as a result of allowing machines to replace what we know as human actions.

Generations, Technology, and Me

     For about five days I tried my best to take note every time I came encounter with technology. From Monday through Friday, the weekdays of the eighth through the twelfth of September, I witnessed myself with my phone on my person 24/7. There was a repetition of almost all of the technology I interacted with. For example, my daily morning routine, the alarmed used to wake me up on time in the morning comes from my phone. Then I use the light to plan out my outfit for the day. Once that’s done, I take care of myself in the bathroom which is lit up due to the technology of light as well. Only the toilets automatically flush, because I live in the oldest dorm on campus, there isn’t really much fancy technology in the bathroom. When I come back to my room I use my ID card which is the key to my dorm; the technology built into the door allows access to gain entrance. Overall all it doesn’t take long for me to get dressed; I use technology of light during my daily process for only about two hours. As the day progresses, I use my ID card again to eat meals and receive snacks. The machines are technology used to process students’ information to eat; something I never paid any mind to. It only takes a second for the piece of technology to recognize the ID cards. Then during all my classes, professors use technology to teach. I paid attention how they use computers and monitors to display power points, video clips, and worksheets. Then, in two of my classes students use computers during class also. When I have breaks in between classes, I enjoy text messaging my friends and logging on social networks. Then sometimes I even listen to music; I use a small piece of technology, headphones, that will play the music only so I can hear it. Keeping track of my encounters with technology over this short period of time showed me that it is nearly impossible not to come across technology on campus. 
     Technology makes our lives physically easier. With the use of technology transportation has become easier, task have become lighter, and communication has become stronger. The use of technology has increased so much that it has created a great dependency. Inventions such as motor vehicles, planes, and boats have made travel easy and convenient. I don't think anyone would go back to long distance walking or animal transportation. Also with the use of technology construction of communities, cities, and towns advanced dramatically. There are more inventions every year that improves the speed in which a large building or house can be built. Global communication wouldn’t even be imaginable without the use of technology. The internet and telephone changed the face of trade, family connection, and marketing. 
     I took the time to interview three different people in my life that have at least a ten year age difference. Each of their experience was unique. Each interview contained the same three questions: What piece of technology impacted you when you were younger?, Describe a technological enhancement that truly surprised you?, and Name some technological advancement that we can live without. I first interviewed my cousin, Tori Diggs, she’s a thirty-two year old scientist that lives in the city. She said the piece of technology that impacted her the most was the possession of a beeper. I asked her if she could give an explanation of what that was, and she said that it was like a cellphone but it only received messages like pages or notifications that someone was trying to contact you. Then she answered my next question saying how she was surprised how advanced stereos became. I then asked her how so and she explained how they used to be large and very heavy; compared to today’s stereos that are small and portable. Her response to my last question shocked me, I asked her what advancement of technology does she think society could do without and she stated social networks. She saw my face and explained how it maybe great to connect with friends through the internet, but there are also a lot of predators and bullies that lurk on there. 
     The next person I interviewed was my grandmother. She explained how technology was no where near as advanced in comparison to today. The piece of technology that impacted her childhood was color television. She then went on to explain how expensive it was when it first hit market. Then she told me stories about her and her sisters begging and asking to buy one as a Christmas present. My grandmother compared the importance of color television to owning a brand new car. I then asked her what piece of technology shocked her of it’s advancement and she said the computer. She told me that when she was growing up the typewriter was just fresh on the market. There were even classes taught at school of how to use and type on a typewriter. She looks at my computer today and is shocked at all of the things I can do. Then she answered my question by saying in her opinion that society could go without the use of treadmills. My grandmother explained how treadmills take the fun of taking a walk through the park and enjoying all the sites you can pass by. I can never really say I thought about treadmills and the joys it takes out of walking outside. 
     The last person I interviewed was a neighbor across the street from me, Amber Mole, she’s ten years old. I asked her what would she consider the piece of technology that impacted her life and she stated the iPad. Amber told me how everyone in her class basically has one. I then asked her if she noticed any technology that shocked her of its advancement, and she said the Easy Bake Oven. She told me how when she was younger the oven was small, pink, and only made small cupcakes. Today Ease Bake Ovens come in different colors and more mixes. Now you're able to create cookies and small cakes. She answered my last question say that she thinks society can will with out radios. Because iPods and MP3s have become so advance that there isn't a need for them anymore to listen to music. 

     Hearing all of their stories and their explanations for their answers to my questions interested me. I think everyone can agree that technology has effected the day to day life of mankind. Every year technology advances more and more each year. Who knows, by the time of 2025 I world might be similar to Feed. 

Generations, Technology, & Me

Technology is one of the most present forces in our lives today. There is technology in nearly everything that we use in our daily lives. It helps us save time, enhances certain needs, and creates an easier path to complete tasks. Without technology, there are goals that would be harder for us to achieve, especially because we have become so dependent on technology to help us. It’s hard to imagine our lives without technology because it is everywhere and sometimes we don’t even realize it. We use it when we listen to music or flush the toilet or even wear glasses. It’s unbelievable how different out life would be without all these advancements and devices.
Growing up, technology played a huge role in my life. I grew up in the age of Gameboy’s and Playstation’s and the start of the internet. I was regularly using different forms of technology, whether I was talking on our landline phone or riding my bike, technology was always a part of who I was. If I had to chose one piece of technology in my childhood that had the most impact on me, it would be the computer. My neighbors and brothers and I used to be obsessed with computer games. There was one game we owned where you could create your own amusement park and build roller coasters and create what was to be your dream park, and we used to play this game for hours nonstop. From choosing our own color schemes, build water rides, and expensive food courts, this game was our excuse to build a new world. It was one of the first steps towards becoming in touch with our creative sides and being able to expand our minds to new, sometimes pixelated, levels. Without the computer, this game would not have been able to take such an influential role on my childhood. 

The computer still holds an impact over me today, however, if I could choose one technology with the highest significance to me currently, I would confidently pick my iPod. Music is one of my many passions and I am steadily listening to music, playing music, and discovering new music. My iPod is my best friend and I bring it everywhere with me at all times. It’s a device that brings me joy and comfort and I don’t think I could do without it. 
I embrace my iPod and the computer and I support lots of technological gadgets, but there are always fallbacks to having an overload of things. For example, the smartphone. It’s a great advancement to our everyday lives, business workers, and designers, but when it comes down to it, is the smartphone truly a beneficial source of technology? Although it helps us check the weather instantly to see how to dress or to bring an umbrella, or shows us the latest news within seconds, the smartphone prevents us from a lot too. It’s creating a world where we don’t have any more social, face to face, interactions. We can purchase things from our beds online almost instantaneously. We can shoot a quick text to our friends about the latest celebrity gossip. But it always is drawing us back from speaking and interacting with one another. Too often we see groups of friends together, quiet, and hypnotized in their smartphones. It’s drawing us away from actually going out with our friends and family and genuinely having a great, carefree time. 
When I go out with my friends, I am guilty of this too, but I usually try and leave all my worries behind me and spend time in the moment without checking my phone every two minutes. It seems like we are programmed to be so absorbed into our phones nowadays. The technology was not like this years ago.
I interviewed my mom about how technology impacted her as a child. She told me over and over how she didn’t have these phones like we do now and that in order to reach someone, you would call their home landline phone. She described that she would call up her friends, plan to meet somewhere, and trust that the friend on the other end of the line would actually show up because there was no way to get in touch once they were not at home. My mom also talked about how she listen to lots of music as a child. She would regularly have the radio on, listening to music as she went through the day. Another thing she empathized was how she would need to walk to her local library in order to find out information. “I had to find books, read the books, and then figure it out on my own,” she told me. There were no computers or smartphones right at their sides to find out facts or information right away.
My grandmother said different things. During the interview, she told me stories about how she used to live on a farm and didn’t really have time to mess around with the different technology present. She used her radio,  but that was pretty much it. My grandmother moved around a lot in the United States because her father was a pastor who had job travelled around frequently. She honestly couldn’t explain to much about the impact of technology in her childhood besides the radio, the telephone, and the early TV. Mainly she was spending her time outside, at school, with her family, and friends. 
My last interview was with my friend, Maya, who experienced a similar experience with technology as I’ve gone through. She grew up in the 90’s and told me that the majority of technology included the telephone and TV. Growing up, she was right in the upcoming of new devices and electronics. Her favorite, she said, was her Walkman MP3 player. In order for the Walkman to play music, you would have to insert the CD inside and press play and blindly know the setlist, unless you were looking at the back of the plastic CD case. The Walkman had the most impact over her and I knew right away because her face lit up as soon as she started talking about it.

I learned a lot through the interviews I held. It became obvious to me just how much technology has changed throughout the decades. I feel like as time has gone on, we became more and more dependent and involved with the technology around us. Technology is advancing at extreme rates and before we know it, we may be flying around in our cars traveling to the moon. It’s scary to look back and see how fast we grew into this futuristic world. Who knows where we are headed next?

Generations, Technology & Me

Generations, Technology & Me

     Technology is the foundation of our society today. You don't go anywhere without seeing some piece of technology. Technology is everywhere and if you try to be against it you really won’t survive in today’s society. I walk around so oblivious to what technology we really use daily. It's crazy to see that something as basic as your fridge or microwave is considered technology but you wouldn't think that because it’s a normal everyday item that we use. Then I think about how much I personally use some type to technology in my life, all day, every day. Even with being a college student I’m using so much more technology then I ever thought I would. Every morning I wake up to the alarms on my cell phone, eat breakfast out of my fridge, than off to class. After class I use my ID to swipe back into the building, I can swipe it to get either on the elevator or the stairs then I use it to get into my room. My ID is the biggest piece of technology I use daily besides my cell phone. It gives me access to everything on campus.

     After realizing how much we really do use technology everywhere and every day I thought hey, why not see what technology was like decades ago and ask my family some questions about growing up through this modernization of society. But before I ask my questions I answered them myself that way their answers wouldn't influence my own. I interviewed my mother who is 38, my grandmother who is 60, and my grandfather (her husband) who is 51. Each participant grew up in a different generation of technology.

Personally, the piece of technology that impacted my life greatly has been my smartphone. My phone can just do so much anymore than it used to it is ridiculous. I remember when all my phone could do was call and receive calls. That was it. I had a flip phone and I got it in 5th grade. I only had it because I had to ride the bus home and my parents wanted it for emergency/safety issues. Now I can surf the web and there is social media that every teen is
addicted to. It is definitely my biggest distraction when I try to do homework or other important tasks like listening to people. I definitely think I embraced technology by having my laptop and smartphone. I also use everyday items like fridge, microwave, Keurig, etc. I feel like we need to embrace it in some way because everything around us now is technology. You can’t really choose to stay away from it anymore. You need it to keep up with today’s society and to evolve. When I was in middle school one of my best friends was prank calling me and some random number was texting me at the same time. I was so scared because I didn’t understand what I text message was. And believe it or not but text messages back then cost money per text. So that experience was horrifying and the start of my texting addiction. I eventually blew up my parent’s phone bill and we got unlimited texting. So I definitely grew up in a time before texting and smartphones. Technology doesn’t really have a big part in my life I mean all I use is my smartphone and that is it. I’m completely oblivious to what technology is going on in my everyday life. One thing I could live without is definitely a TV. I never watch it. I could careless that it is on. I’m not waiting on anything specific in technology. I’m ready for anything that comes up because I’m not really slow when learning how to use technology.

     The first person I interviewed was my mother. She said that the remote control for a TV was the biggest impact on her as a teen. She was about 10 years old when she got one. She liked that you could get more than your basic channels which then introduced her to MTV. After discovering MTV, it expanded her horizon on music and opened her up to different genes that she never heard of. My mother embraces technology. She says that you need to keep current with it to keep you functioning in today’s society. Technology helps her stay
connected to people she loves but doesn't see on the regular. FacTime has allowed her to see her oldest child in college. She can see her face instead of waiting for the next visit from her. The cell phone has amazed and horrified my mom. She likes that everything is accessible to you with one touch or swipe. She says when she was a teenager she was just happy getting her own phone line but now nothing is plugged into the wall or had a cord. It just goes everywhere with you. She finds the cell phone horrifying because you can stay connected anywhere, people can interrupt anything and it made her relationships with people easier but less personal. Cell phones give people the ability to say whatever they want because nothing is face-to-face and that’s scary. Technology has an important place in my mom’s life because she uses it at her job. It helps her stay connected with her daughters without worrying where they are what thee doing she is always aware. She could live without satellite radio because we shouldn’t have to pay for radio and she would love to see us eventually not need to use physical money and everything be on one card.

     The next person I interviewed was my grandmother who is 60. When she was about 10 years old she got colored TV which she thought at the time was the coolest thing ever. It was just fun not watching everything in black & white. She got the colored TV pretty late because her parents didn’t do well with change. She also thought the transformation of the phone from a spin dial to buttons. She thought it was faster and easier to call someone. My grandmother doesn’t really embrace a lot of technology especially the cell phone. She hates that someone can get ahold of you 24/7. But she only embraces it because of safety issues. She also doesn’t like texting but does it when she has to. Something that amazed her would definitely be Microsoft Word because she grew up learning how to type on a typewriter. She likes that you can fix your mistakes now. You can save something and go back to it. Technology has an important place in her life because it makes life easier. She can pay bills online, email someone faster. She said she could live without an iPod because she doesn’t listen to music that much. She is waiting for a robot maid that cleans. She loves to cook but not cleaning up.

     The last person I interviewed was my grandfather who is 51. He thought when he was 10 the coolest thing was a handheld calculator. They were not cheap but it made doing math easier. Before then everything was done mentally
and by hand. He definitely embraces technology because he loves that we have personal computers. He said technology makes life easier but that people really don’t know how to be without it. My grandfather stays pretty up to date with everything. He is the one who taught me how to use my computer. The cell phone amazes him because he can use it at work to swipe credit cards for customers to pay for things. The cell phone is just like having a computer in the palm of your hand. If he didn’t have technology he wouldn’t be able to do his job as efficiently as he does. He gets tasks done faster and easily. My grandfather could live without a fax machine because he never uses them anymore. He is waiting for a smarter scanner that can scan documents and know where to file them at on the computer. Also he wants read receipts with all emails so employees can’t lie about getting emails.

     Technology has progressed and effected our lives very much over a course of decades. These interviews definitely made me look at the world a much different way now. I’m excited and nervous to see where we end up in 10 years. Like what my children would be using and going through.

Generations.Technology, and Me

  We should know that technology is all around us. Just like music and art is all around. Technology is so attached to our lives that we don't even realize it. For example, we use technology to communicate, to learn , to teach, and even use it for entertainment. For my first blog I will be discussing three different generations and the technological changes within them. I will give some insight on how people from different generations view the technology of their time. I will be discussing about the amount of hours a day we use  on technology alone. I am also going to include the reason technology has changed.

    The first interview I orchestrated was with my grandmother who was born 72 years ago in 1942. She spent time discussing how technology was in the 50's and 60's. My grandmother was telling me that in her day the only form of a "telephone communication" was a landline. I asked her for more information about the landline telephone. She told me that it was a phone that used a metal wire for transmissions. My grandmother then went on to talk about the automobiles she used to drive and compared them to the one she drives today. She told me that the cars back then were standard shift and had heavier metals on them. She said that the car she drives today is more high tech and runs much better on gas. My grandmother drives a Kia Forte 2014 edition. I have driven her car around a couple of times and I noticed that it does include a GPS and you can even connect your phone to the car and answer calls by the touch of the screen in the dash board.

   To conclude this interview I asked my grandma how she felt about the changes in technology over the years. My grandmother responded with an amazed tone and said " I found it extremely remarkable how they have made computers fit in little devices!". She actually told me that she wants a smart phone for herself. I told her that she was unique because most senior citizens don't want to be bothered with learning how to use new technology.
             The next interview I orchestrated was with my mother. My mom was born in the 1960s fortyseven years ago. I asked her about the types of technology that was in her life as a child. She told me that she had television that started off in black and white then later it became color. She said that in her  childhood days there were arcades with tons of games. We still have arcades today but not many people go to them. Not many people go to arcades because in this day in age we have our own arcades in our living spaces. What I mean by our own arcades is the xbox, playstation, and other consoles. I asked my mom about the automobiles back then and she told me that they were more advanced than the cars back in my grandmas day but similar to the ones today.

     Along with disclosing the interview I went on to ask my mother about the telephones back in her day. She told me that in her day the telephones were upgraded to have three callers at the same time. So when she would talk to one of her friends she was able to add another person to the conversation. My mother also mentioned about these music players called "walkman" and that they came right after the "boom box". Walkman were shaped like discs and you could play your cd's in them. I then realized that in during a brief time in my childhood I had a "walkman" and I played my cd's on it.

      For my last interview I choose myself. So far throughout my life I have experienced multiple changes in technology. During my younger years certain technologies have had a major impact on my life. Television for example, has played a huge role in my life. I have watched TV almost everyday since I was a child. When I think back on the shows I grew up on I realize how they have changed for the children today. The shows I watch today revolve around a lot of drama and violence. The shows that my mother and grandmother used to watch back then did not have as much violence as the shows today. Another object that has played a major role in my life is a console or in other words a game system. I have always been somewhat of a gamer. I love playing video games especially with other people wether it be family or online players. I am kind of ashamed of my addiction to games. I am ashamed because when someone asks for my hobby I always say playing video games.  When I hear someone else's hobby they say a sport or something more active.

   Do I embrace technology? I do embrace technology in certain ways but in other ways I don't. I
embrace technology when I need it to keep up in my classes or to know whats going on in the world. I don't embrace technology when it changes at a fast rate. I hate that. I do not embrace technology when I am forced to learn how to use it for a special class. I am not that good with computers when It comes to downloading stuff to files or scanning information to a website. I am learning how to use those features a little better now but I don't enjoy the process.

    When the online payment was invented I was horrified. I was scared because I knew what could happen with that new feature. I knew that the hackers of the internet could access the information put in and steal your money or identity. I was afraid of this because I knew it was possible. After that invention a lot of people have been robbed and unable to retrieve their money back.  Some technological advances that I think we can do without is nothing. I say nothing because I feel as though we need all of it. I love the advancements in technology. I do not what anything taken away but I do feel that we should slow down a little.