Thursday, September 18, 2014

Generations, Technology, and Me

     For about five days I tried my best to take note every time I came encounter with technology. From Monday through Friday, the weekdays of the eighth through the twelfth of September, I witnessed myself with my phone on my person 24/7. There was a repetition of almost all of the technology I interacted with. For example, my daily morning routine, the alarmed used to wake me up on time in the morning comes from my phone. Then I use the light to plan out my outfit for the day. Once that’s done, I take care of myself in the bathroom which is lit up due to the technology of light as well. Only the toilets automatically flush, because I live in the oldest dorm on campus, there isn’t really much fancy technology in the bathroom. When I come back to my room I use my ID card which is the key to my dorm; the technology built into the door allows access to gain entrance. Overall all it doesn’t take long for me to get dressed; I use technology of light during my daily process for only about two hours. As the day progresses, I use my ID card again to eat meals and receive snacks. The machines are technology used to process students’ information to eat; something I never paid any mind to. It only takes a second for the piece of technology to recognize the ID cards. Then during all my classes, professors use technology to teach. I paid attention how they use computers and monitors to display power points, video clips, and worksheets. Then, in two of my classes students use computers during class also. When I have breaks in between classes, I enjoy text messaging my friends and logging on social networks. Then sometimes I even listen to music; I use a small piece of technology, headphones, that will play the music only so I can hear it. Keeping track of my encounters with technology over this short period of time showed me that it is nearly impossible not to come across technology on campus. 
     Technology makes our lives physically easier. With the use of technology transportation has become easier, task have become lighter, and communication has become stronger. The use of technology has increased so much that it has created a great dependency. Inventions such as motor vehicles, planes, and boats have made travel easy and convenient. I don't think anyone would go back to long distance walking or animal transportation. Also with the use of technology construction of communities, cities, and towns advanced dramatically. There are more inventions every year that improves the speed in which a large building or house can be built. Global communication wouldn’t even be imaginable without the use of technology. The internet and telephone changed the face of trade, family connection, and marketing. 
     I took the time to interview three different people in my life that have at least a ten year age difference. Each of their experience was unique. Each interview contained the same three questions: What piece of technology impacted you when you were younger?, Describe a technological enhancement that truly surprised you?, and Name some technological advancement that we can live without. I first interviewed my cousin, Tori Diggs, she’s a thirty-two year old scientist that lives in the city. She said the piece of technology that impacted her the most was the possession of a beeper. I asked her if she could give an explanation of what that was, and she said that it was like a cellphone but it only received messages like pages or notifications that someone was trying to contact you. Then she answered my next question saying how she was surprised how advanced stereos became. I then asked her how so and she explained how they used to be large and very heavy; compared to today’s stereos that are small and portable. Her response to my last question shocked me, I asked her what advancement of technology does she think society could do without and she stated social networks. She saw my face and explained how it maybe great to connect with friends through the internet, but there are also a lot of predators and bullies that lurk on there. 
     The next person I interviewed was my grandmother. She explained how technology was no where near as advanced in comparison to today. The piece of technology that impacted her childhood was color television. She then went on to explain how expensive it was when it first hit market. Then she told me stories about her and her sisters begging and asking to buy one as a Christmas present. My grandmother compared the importance of color television to owning a brand new car. I then asked her what piece of technology shocked her of it’s advancement and she said the computer. She told me that when she was growing up the typewriter was just fresh on the market. There were even classes taught at school of how to use and type on a typewriter. She looks at my computer today and is shocked at all of the things I can do. Then she answered my question by saying in her opinion that society could go without the use of treadmills. My grandmother explained how treadmills take the fun of taking a walk through the park and enjoying all the sites you can pass by. I can never really say I thought about treadmills and the joys it takes out of walking outside. 
     The last person I interviewed was a neighbor across the street from me, Amber Mole, she’s ten years old. I asked her what would she consider the piece of technology that impacted her life and she stated the iPad. Amber told me how everyone in her class basically has one. I then asked her if she noticed any technology that shocked her of its advancement, and she said the Easy Bake Oven. She told me how when she was younger the oven was small, pink, and only made small cupcakes. Today Ease Bake Ovens come in different colors and more mixes. Now you're able to create cookies and small cakes. She answered my last question say that she thinks society can will with out radios. Because iPods and MP3s have become so advance that there isn't a need for them anymore to listen to music. 

     Hearing all of their stories and their explanations for their answers to my questions interested me. I think everyone can agree that technology has effected the day to day life of mankind. Every year technology advances more and more each year. Who knows, by the time of 2025 I world might be similar to Feed. 

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