Friday, September 19, 2014

Generations, Technology, & Me

In our world today technology plays a huge role in our everyday lives. From where we go to work or school, where we live, and literally just about everywhere we are. A few ways that we encounter technology is by the use of our smartphones, laptops and tablets, and when we listen to music. Other ways that we might use technology is in the bathrooms if there are automatic sinks, soap and paper towel dispensers. You may not think about little things like that, but you do use a lot of technology in your every day life. I have realized how dependent we are of technology and that is not a good thing because we do not know how to live if there was no technology available for us. Whenever we have something malfunctioning, we breakdown. It is sad that we can not live without our phones or computers, because just about everything is on there.
       Personally, I really enjoy using technology and figuring out technology. All my life I have been using technology, whether is was a cell phone, computer, game system or whatever, technology has always been in my life. As I grow, technology also enhances. There is always something better coming out and we are always quick to get the latest thing.    
  I decided to get my moms opinion on technology and how she feels about everything, "One thing that scares me about technology is social media. Things like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. These things scare me because once something goes up they will always be available to other people even once you THINK that are deleted. Once something is online it stays online. One thing that you have to worry about are stalkers. Lets say you put up a picture on Instagram of your house or your car, there are people out there that are able to somehow figure out your exact location and either break into your home or try and steal your car. You have no idea what certain people are capable of doing these days with the internet, and it's scary to think that someone could be watching your every move. In my life right now technology plays in important role. At my job I deal with technology and even at my home I deal with a certain amount of technology as well. In my household almost everyone has a lap top, tablet, smartphone or even a smart TV in their rooms."
     I went on an interviewed my Grammy and got her opinion on technology. I do not like technology at all. I am by far the least techno person out there. I honestly think that we do not need any technology. I grew up in a time without having all this technology that there is today. Times were better without technology. People used to have real conversations with one another, there was nothing called a "catfish", and some people are not as educated in other things because they just use the internet to do the thinking for them. As the technology grows, people lose their intelligence because they let the computers do all of the work for them. I do not think that children these days understand the real value of life because all the know is technology and not how to interact with others without it being through a phone or computer.

     Once I interviewed the generations older than me, I decided to interview someone who was younger then me so I asked my little sister about technology and her life. She is 4 years old and has been growing up in a world full of technology. It has impacted her life drastically. She has a bear that helps her learn things through real life and through the computer.  I asked her two questions. One was does she think that we can live without technology, and what technology improvements is she still waiting for the future to bring.  Her answer to them shows how technology plays a huge role in our lives today.To answer the first questions she said that there is nothing that we cannot live without, we need all of the technology that we have today because without it we would not be able to live. When she said that I asked what she meant and she exclaimed that we would not be able to talk to anyone, we would not be able to learn, we wouldn't be able to drive and we would never know when to cross the street. She is correct by that too because the things that she said we would not be able to do are all controlled by technology to a certain point. Then we moved onto the second question, which was what improvements is she still waiting for in technology. Her response was she was waiting for flying cars and a house that will stay clean on its own. 
     After the interviews were all finished, I had a lot of thoughts racing in my mind. I was thinking about both the past and the future. I was more so afraid for what the future had to bring because soon everything might really be controlled by a robot and there will be no real need for humans. Sometimes I wish that I was alive during the times when everyone was not so obsessed with electronics as they are now because I like meeting new people and having conversations with them. There are some good and bad things to technology and everyone has their own opinion on it as well. The older generations do not always agree with technology and are not always as tech savvy as someone from a younger/newer generation would be. Technology has been growing fast in the last few years and I know that it will only continue to grow more as the years go by.

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