Thursday, September 18, 2014

Generations.Technology, and Me

  We should know that technology is all around us. Just like music and art is all around. Technology is so attached to our lives that we don't even realize it. For example, we use technology to communicate, to learn , to teach, and even use it for entertainment. For my first blog I will be discussing three different generations and the technological changes within them. I will give some insight on how people from different generations view the technology of their time. I will be discussing about the amount of hours a day we use  on technology alone. I am also going to include the reason technology has changed.

    The first interview I orchestrated was with my grandmother who was born 72 years ago in 1942. She spent time discussing how technology was in the 50's and 60's. My grandmother was telling me that in her day the only form of a "telephone communication" was a landline. I asked her for more information about the landline telephone. She told me that it was a phone that used a metal wire for transmissions. My grandmother then went on to talk about the automobiles she used to drive and compared them to the one she drives today. She told me that the cars back then were standard shift and had heavier metals on them. She said that the car she drives today is more high tech and runs much better on gas. My grandmother drives a Kia Forte 2014 edition. I have driven her car around a couple of times and I noticed that it does include a GPS and you can even connect your phone to the car and answer calls by the touch of the screen in the dash board.

   To conclude this interview I asked my grandma how she felt about the changes in technology over the years. My grandmother responded with an amazed tone and said " I found it extremely remarkable how they have made computers fit in little devices!". She actually told me that she wants a smart phone for herself. I told her that she was unique because most senior citizens don't want to be bothered with learning how to use new technology.
             The next interview I orchestrated was with my mother. My mom was born in the 1960s fortyseven years ago. I asked her about the types of technology that was in her life as a child. She told me that she had television that started off in black and white then later it became color. She said that in her  childhood days there were arcades with tons of games. We still have arcades today but not many people go to them. Not many people go to arcades because in this day in age we have our own arcades in our living spaces. What I mean by our own arcades is the xbox, playstation, and other consoles. I asked my mom about the automobiles back then and she told me that they were more advanced than the cars back in my grandmas day but similar to the ones today.

     Along with disclosing the interview I went on to ask my mother about the telephones back in her day. She told me that in her day the telephones were upgraded to have three callers at the same time. So when she would talk to one of her friends she was able to add another person to the conversation. My mother also mentioned about these music players called "walkman" and that they came right after the "boom box". Walkman were shaped like discs and you could play your cd's in them. I then realized that in during a brief time in my childhood I had a "walkman" and I played my cd's on it.

      For my last interview I choose myself. So far throughout my life I have experienced multiple changes in technology. During my younger years certain technologies have had a major impact on my life. Television for example, has played a huge role in my life. I have watched TV almost everyday since I was a child. When I think back on the shows I grew up on I realize how they have changed for the children today. The shows I watch today revolve around a lot of drama and violence. The shows that my mother and grandmother used to watch back then did not have as much violence as the shows today. Another object that has played a major role in my life is a console or in other words a game system. I have always been somewhat of a gamer. I love playing video games especially with other people wether it be family or online players. I am kind of ashamed of my addiction to games. I am ashamed because when someone asks for my hobby I always say playing video games.  When I hear someone else's hobby they say a sport or something more active.

   Do I embrace technology? I do embrace technology in certain ways but in other ways I don't. I
embrace technology when I need it to keep up in my classes or to know whats going on in the world. I don't embrace technology when it changes at a fast rate. I hate that. I do not embrace technology when I am forced to learn how to use it for a special class. I am not that good with computers when It comes to downloading stuff to files or scanning information to a website. I am learning how to use those features a little better now but I don't enjoy the process.

    When the online payment was invented I was horrified. I was scared because I knew what could happen with that new feature. I knew that the hackers of the internet could access the information put in and steal your money or identity. I was afraid of this because I knew it was possible. After that invention a lot of people have been robbed and unable to retrieve their money back.  Some technological advances that I think we can do without is nothing. I say nothing because I feel as though we need all of it. I love the advancements in technology. I do not what anything taken away but I do feel that we should slow down a little.


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